
Traductions "Neny, ilay olo-mamiko indrindra ...  "

Edito : "Neny, my dearest ...  "        * 805176  0784   23/05/2008

     The Mother's Day, this wonderful idea comes from ancient times, but it is only May 20, 1950 that the festival will be a law to institutionalize this day of May. This year we are celebrating is the 58th festival of mothers on May 25. So more than ever, happy holiday to all Moms of the world! 
     All mothers are usually very attentive to their children, but some mothers are much, much more than others. They are called « mères poules » or « les mères juives » because they… "convent" their children, they want to protect them from everything, keep them "under their wings." But children should also learn to cope alone to grow.


My hand could write nothing but your obituary
My mind could writenothing but your service of worship
My pen forgeting all but your life’story

Neny, my dearest
In the best places in my heart
Neny, whom I feared most
Who developed my moral

Neny, who shared the happiness of my past 
Neny, whom no one can replace
With her advices and tenderness
Neny, the only one who never changed
In my heart until I’m gone


25 janoary 2003

         If there is a name we utter almost every day, is "Mom!" because she is there for us, our pain, our fears and our joys. She cries for us, pray for her children, who fit her life and create her troubles, but she is still there! And even when we are independent and have built our own way, she follows us, guides us and supports us!
Yes, she is always there for us! And even after her death, she is always in our hearts and in our mind when we face an obstacle, we close our eyes and we ask: "Mom, you who advised me so well, what should I do?" And this love she has left in our hearts helps us through this wonderful adventure: The life that Mom gave us! "

   .... The dossier Mother's Day  Klick here >>

                       Emma Razafintseheno  from Antsiranana  & Sebastien the Parisian

                  Les Tableaux de RANDRIANARISOA Nirina    + de détails cliquez ici  >>

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   ... Et encore et encore "nody ventiny ny rano nantsakaina",  Emma & Sebastien  ont  répondu à notre appel de publier des Editos, maintenant à qui le tour? On vous attend edito men et edito women. Merci d'avance !  


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