
Traductions "Zanaka sy ny Ray amandreny... "

Edito : «CHILDREN AND PARENTS... »           

    Today, we are going to speak about the role of parents and about children. It is important to know it to harmonize well the relation with its circle of acquaintances, to avoid the disorders or the disputes as for the roles and the responsibilities of each but especially to strengthen a little more the family love or increase the respect and the enjoyment within a family.

     1- Role of parents to children
     2- Role of children to parents 

          2. The role of children to parents
The role of parents and children is not the same but complements itself. The first role of children to their parents is what God said in 10 commands: " Honor your father and your mother, as the Eternal your God ordered it to you, to enjoy a long life and live happy in the country which the Eternal your God gives you. " Deutéronome 5 16.
      God really evoked a "complete and substantial" sentence here. The first role of children is effectively to respect their source of life. The children who dare to take themselves to their parents or who grant not enough importance for their parents will not find the happiness on this earth. Respect your parents, honor them, love them, give them the blessing and you will be blessed ! Do not cause sadness to your parents because they are themselves your source of life. Iit is thanks to them you were born ; it is thanks to them you are a person.

   The role of children to their parents is also LOVE. Children have the role and the obligation to love their sources of life. The love between parents and children strengthens enjoyment and respect. Any thing without love, remember, is source of quarrels, disorders, jealousies, underestimating and mockeries. It is the role of the children to love for giving power to the big family enjoyment.


    It is the role of children to study. Parents wish more than everything to the world to get cultivated children and who make a success. It is the best wisdom which parents look for. Children who do not like studying are children who cause the short duration of their parents' life and who can't follow the way of wisdom.
It is also the role of children to help their parents . Children wished to have them and thus one should always help one another because parents are already exhausted by work and life. Everything is common, food, housing, responsibilities and thus nobody remains inactive but that each make their attributions.

      Christmas will come soon. Except for the day of birth of Jesus Christ, it is also the holiday for children. If children want to spend Christmas joyfully, they should follow and respect their roles to their parents.

RAKOTOMALALA Eric de Paris   

Le Poète Fredy JAOFERA     http://efjr.wordpress.com/

(Traductions de  L'Edito " Zanaka amin'ny Ray amandreny ..."  par Andrianjafy - Rz2   (fr) et Eric Jaofera de Paris (gb )

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