



        At first, nothing lets augur that Fredy JAOFERA can become a poet and besides in the Malagasy language. 
Indeed, from his childhood and in his youth, he knew many factors of blocking which would have been able to prevent him from making hatch his talent, in particular:

                - A problem of health
                 - The incapacity to master the Malagasy language because he was brought up in France with his small brother by his parents who were students in this country .

                 - The premature death of her mother who brought him to live with his paternal grandparents in Madagascar in an environment where they spoke only in Malagasy .
                - The attitude of a lot of people who cannot understand that his brother and he were unable to communicate in Malagasy because the language of their childhood is French 
               - The numerous criticisms which aim at destabilizing him and underestimating him in his capacity to express his talent of writer and poet in Malagasy 
               - The mockeries, and the contempt of several persons who are persuaded that he has no talent, even if he is a descendant of poet 

Nevertheless, in spite of all these difficulties Fredy JAOFERA never loses courage. He has even doubled effort and perseverance to be able to reach his objective and his desire to become a writer and a poet in the Malagasy language.
       So, he chose to frequent schools which lavished most of these educations in Malagasy. He fed with diligence of the literature and the Malagasy culture outside these periods, which allowed to fill his delay and to complete his level.
       In definitive, he has got his bet and he has reached:
               - To publish his works in various Malagasy daily papers ( Matin, Midi, Atrika, Tribune, Hehy) and in a magazine « Ny Mpamangy »(The visitons)    
               - To participate in television and radio programs (Feom-baliha Mamatonalina which declaimed poems )
               - To spread 8 collections of poems and 6 with the Association of the Poets and Malagasy Writers in France. It is a question of: 
· Teny roa " 2 words " · Nosy mamiko " My loved island " · Ny ranomasoko " My tears " · Diavolana " Moonlight " · Iarivo " My city Antananarivo " · Roazy "Rose" · Tsetsatsetsa " spontaneous Reflection " 

It is to indicate that Fredy Jaofera also contributed to make know his poems, the literature and the Malagasy culture in France and abroad by the way of
                - of internet
                - member of associations :
                       * Faribolana Sandratra in his beginnings in 1991 
                       * Vice-President of the Union of the Malagasy poets and Writers in France
                       * Councillor of the Union of the Persons attached to Malgachitude or FIPAMAMA
                       * the Union of the Poets of Africa and Somewhere else

Membre de l’Office Malgache du Droit d’Auteur
Ancien Membre du Cercle littéraire SANDRATRA
Membre et Ancien Premier Secrétaire de l’Union des Poètes et Ecrivains Malgaches
Co-Fondateur et Vice-Président de l’Union des Poètes et Ecrivains Malgaches section France
Conseiller de l’Union des Personnes attachées à la Malgachitude ( FIMPAMAMA)
Membre des Poètes des Afriques et d’Ailleurs
Médaillé du Travail de Bronze par la République de Madagascar
Médaillé du Travail d’Argent par la République de Madagascar


RAKOTOMALALA Eric de Paris   

Le Poète Fredy JAOFERA     http://efjr.wordpress.com/

(Traductions de  L'Edito " Mino ve ianao...."  Eric Jaofera de Paris (fr & gb )

 Les Traductions :

2007- Mivoaka ny boky telo nosoratan'i Poéty Fredy JAOFERA 


Et encore et encore "nody ventiny ny rano nantsakaina", Eric a répondu à notre appel de publier des Editos, maintenant à qui le tour? On vous attend edito men et edito women. Merci d'avance !   

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