
Traductions "Mitady ravin-ahitra ... "

The Editorial : «The pursuit oh happiness ...  »  804168  21/04/2008

      Many things are similar here in France and in other country even France is a developed country.
     The author believes that what distinguishes Malagasy people is that every time he talks about what is happening in Madagascar, he finds that what the Malagasy is special, not like what others are doing. Then you hear from him: what sets us apart, especially during an exchange with a stranger.

      The author notes that there are not many things that distinguish the Malagasy way of life with a French one for example. The reason is that we have copied a lot of things from French people. Clothing, seem, fashion and way of thinking.

   Such as a documentary television has reported, the Thai people are very original in his religion, his food, his funeral traditions, wedding. We ask ourselves the same question as without their language, what really sets the Malagasy. Here in France, for example, everyone recognizes an African, an Arab.

     And if you have the opportunity to visit their house or apartment, you will find that you are no longer in France because it is truly original interior, the expression of their personality.

       With regard to national way of life, developed country face similar problems than poor one.
Because everyone is facing common requirements, for example, wages, safety, the cost of living, education.

Certainly, in terms of living standards, a large gap exists. Developed countries have a big purchasing power but they do not have the happiness resulting from the possession of a lot of beautiful things. 
Both have with them their poor class, the homeless, and the collector of garbage. And in fact, they also have their upper class, their roguish their belief and their atheist.
     As believe a large number of people, the author feels the same way that the source of happiness is not the ownership of beautiful things in number. In rich country, they are not satisfied with what they have amassed, and those in poor countries who dream and want to take the moon.
     In fact, it must be said, the pursuit of happiness is a quest that should be the subject of another forum. For sure!

    Haja  Rakotoarison from Montréal Canada

            ( Président Emadex.com )

                                                         (Traduction  L'Edito "Mitady ravin-ahitra ..."  par l'auteur(fr) et Haja Rakotoarison d'Emadex (gb ))

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