
Traductions « Ngita volo ny ankizivavy vezo! Fa ny lehilahy olioly volo tsara daholo... Avy aiza marina ny Malagasy? » 

Edito : « vezo girls have frizzy hair as boys have them curly... where are the malagasy coming from ?  »   (2)

            it is always with great pleasure that I am writing for you dear Serge...
As the ramadan gets to its end, our boss wished to celebrate with the muslim colleagues, so we went out and bought the goat. this was nicely prepared the philippiner way with pineapple.
     I , then, asked my philippiner acquaintances how is "goat" in philippiner. oh! wonder, it is called "bign".

     that is just like "bengy", as people in the south of madagascar (vezo) call them!
     I assumed, as people from the highlands supposedly coming from the Philippines clearskined and straighthaired, would have the same vocabulary. but no, those from the south, supposedly coming from Afrika
called them "bengy" and those from the highlands "osy".

Secondly Serge, another weird thing: we , Sihanaka , consider goat as tabu. I , personally, have been freed from that, because of the blessing I got from my father.
     Still I remember very well that first time I met a goat : it was in sabotsy-ambohimasina (a n,eighbourhood of Ambatondrazaka). A policeman or was it a justice officer attached a goat alongside the way and noone went near the goat!
     But you see, most of our amulettes are taken or made with goats' bones. I acknowledged these are tradition coming from the south , from the Mahafaly.

            so... we allow ourselves to drink from that "blessing water" but prevent ourselves from eating the meat, amazing !

A la découverte de la culture malgache . Le patrimoine au féminin : coiffures et parures à Madagascar . ( Les Journées de Madagascar à l'Unesco - 2006)       1010337  13/10/2010

       As dessert, Serge, we had apple. so , according to my habit, I asked my corean acquaintances -those with slanting eyes-; yes bacause they don t have much with goats to do than with apples.
      and ... oh so wonder : they call it "sakoa", just as those wild fruits from the south ! later on I will research about links on apple/sakoa.
     I would say that Philippiner are born quite dark skined but they are using lots of skin make up to get clear skin as well as hair straighteners.Shops here are filled with those products.
     I remember with tease how the Vezo guys from Anakao -Androka area- made fun of the girls and their frizzy hair. Cause those guys ahd rather curly hair.

  Izay indray aloha ny androany fa tohizantsika @ manaraka!


Angéline Ranaivoarinosy de Paris

  (traduction en anglais du  texte original de Lemonja en malgache )

« Ngita volo ny ankizivavy vezo! Fa ny lehilahy olioly volo tsara daholo... Avy aiza marina ny Malagasy? »

Traductions de  L'Edito en (fr & gb & Ger ) par Angéline Ranaivoarinosy de Paris

 Les Traductions :


Et encore et encore "nody ventiny ny rano nantsakaina", Angéline a répondu à notre appel de publier des Editos, maintenant à qui le tour? On vous attend edito men et edito women. Merci d'avance ! 


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